Using AI to Evaluate Creative Designs
DS 73-1 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity Volume 1
Year: 2012
Editor: Duffy, A.; Nagai, Y.; Taura, T.
Author: Maher, M. L.; Fisher, D. H.
Section: Creativity
Page(s): 45-54
Many have offered criteria for judging a design as creative. Among these criteria have been novelty, value, and surprise. We offer a unique perspective and synthesis of these three criteria with the goal of giving agents – be they artificial, human, or collectives thereof – a common model to judge the creativity of their own designs and the designs of others, and ultimately to inform computational modelling of creative design. We illustrate an AI approach to judging creativity using an example of sustainable design -- the Bloom laptop.
Keywords: evaluating creativity, novelty, value, surprise, clustering, sustainable design